• This event will make Gran Canaria the epicentre of discussions on the circular and blue economy, energy, water and mobility, climate change adaptation, and regenerative tourism.
  • Tickets to attend the Forum, which will be held on 2nd and 3rd February at Infecar, are available for purchase on the website www.foro-ecoislas.es with the option to attend the full event or just one of the two days.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Wednesday 25 January 2023-. The First International Ecoislas Forum, taking place on 2nd and 3rd February and promoted and funded by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and organised by Infecar, will place the island at the heart of a continental debate on strategies for ecological transition, viewed from the perspective of islands and the multifaceted perspective of international, national, and local experts.

The Forum’s extensive programme, featuring four international experts and over 60 speakers from academic, administrative, financial, business, and social sectors, aims to delve into the four main pillars for real and efficient change: the circular and blue economy; energy, water, and mobility; climate change adaptation; and regenerative tourism. This will be complemented by two parallel activities.

On the one hand, the European Projects Working Groups will take place at this International Ecoislas Forum on Thursday afternoon, 2nd February, with the aim of creating synergies with innovative initiatives that are being developed with European grants (Interreg, LIFE, H2020).

These working groups provide an ideal space for creating transnational networks to help implement initiatives, pilot projects and other proposals in islands, as these are ideal testing grounds for launching these measures before extending them to continental territories.

Islands are extremely sensitive to climate changes, so it is essential for these territories to drive and promote the development of technologies, new management models, etc., to help mitigate these effects in the medium and long term.

These working groups arise from the Life Nieblas initiative, directed by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. This innovative project, developed and implemented on the island of Gran Canaria, has expanded to the Continent thanks to its excellent results.

Thus, from 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, 2nd February, the first of two meetings of these European Projects Working Groups will be held, with the participation of various experts from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, and the Canary Islands Reforestation Foundation (Foresta).

At 6:00 p.m., the second of these meetings will take place, this time with the sharing of projects from the University of Crete – Natural History Museum of Crete; Territorial and Environmental Planning and Management; University of La Laguna and the Canary Islands Institute of Technology.

Greening The Islands

This first International Ecoislas Forum will also, in parallel, host the first edition of the Greening The Islands (GTI) Observatory Summit, addressing the need for a meeting of world leaders for a sustainable transition focused on islands, as well as being an opportunity for host islands, such as Gran Canaria on this occasion, to showcase their decarbonisation strategy, share best practices, and promote their territory.

This annual summit is directed at the two main committees of the organisation: an island advisory committee and the strategic scientific committee. The objective of this operational meeting is to define the roadmap for the coming year, based on last year’s work in technology, policy, and finance.

GTI will provide the basis for discussion by presenting the first Observatory Report, at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, 2 February, which includes the results of work carried out in the different thematic areas of the circular economy on islands, as well as the best practices gathered from members and partners

Additionally, the closing ceremony of the International Ecoislas Forum will take place at 3.30 p.m. on Friday 3 February, together with the ninth edition of the Greening The Islands awards ceremony. Furthermore, GTI will also participate in this Forum with special guests to enrich the discussion on the latest island intelligence with testimonies and content in an operational meeting. Participants will have the opportunity to strengthen cooperation, create new partnerships and initiatives, and produce recommendations for central governments.

Tickets Now on Sale

Thus, on 2 and 3 February, Infecar will become the perfect venue to facilitate a space for discussion, proposals, and the promotion of measures aimed at enhancing the comprehensive transition to a more profitable, more self-sufficient, more sustainable and more environmentally friendly socio-economic model, with a specific focus on islands.
Those interested in being part of this event can purchase their tickets to attend either a single session or the entire two-day programme on the website www.foro-ecoislas.es. Tickets are priced at €7.50 for one day and €15 for two days for students, and €15 and €30, respectively, for professionals.