International Ecoislas Forum

Ecoislas, promoted and funded by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, the Island Council of Gran Canaria, and organised by Infecar, the Trade Fair Institution of the Canary Islands, is an international event aimed at creating a space for discussion, proposals and the promotion of measures to enhance the transition to a more profitable, more self-sufficient, more sustainable and more environmentally friendly socio-economic model, with a specific focus on islands.

The event will feature international, national and local speakers who will present best practices and discuss the needs and solutions in each of the following areas:

Circular and Blue Economy

  • Innovation, biotechnology, algae.
  • Best practices in circular economy for islands.
  • Marine renewable energies on islands.
  • Circular Economy Strategies.
  • Aquaculture and algae farming: barriers and opportunities.
  • Barriers and opportunities for blue and circular entrepreneurship.

Energy, Water and Mobility

  • Energy communities on islands.
  • Energy transition agendas for islands.
  • Sustainable mobility on islands: best practices.
  • Carbon elimination/Efficiency in desalination processes.
  • Storage and green hydrogen: a solution for transitioning to decarbonisation.

Climate Change Adaptation

  • Island strategies for climate change adaptation.
  • Renaturalisation of urban spaces.
  • Smart technologies for fire prevention and forest management.
  • Technologies to monitor the impact of global warming on the oceans.
  • Vulnerabilities and solutions in coastal areas.


  • Protection, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources
  • Technology, innovation and environment
  • Ecosystem restoration
  • Control and management of species
  • Deforestation and habitat depletion

Highlights from the first edition of the International Ecoislas Forum

Committed to the Sustainable Development Goals.


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